O Jesus Nazarene, my most sweet Redeemer, I prostrate myself before Thee, with a heart full of repentance for all the sins I have committed against Thee, especially for my forgetfullness of the graces which thou has bestowed on me in the past, most particularly the ineffable grace of the act of redemption. Jesus, I am sorry and deeply grieve my offenses.

My Lord, I am sorry for all my sins which have been the cause of Thy carrying of the cross in the midst of suffering and embitterness until thous has offered Thy life in Mt Calvary. This thou hast done for love of me, a sinful creature, and for love of mankind.

Allow me now, my sweet Lord to bring myself face to face with Thee, however unworthy I am. Forgive me all my sins, since Thou didst not want the condemnation of the sinner but his conversion and salvation. I come to Thee with firm purpose of amendment and a resolve not to displease Thee again by sin but to pledge my service to Thee, unto the hour of my death. Sanctify O God my desires and deign to grant me the graces which I need, and I call upon the powerful, intercession of Thy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.


MEDITATION... When our Lord meets the women of Jerusalem on His way to Calvary, He tells them not to weep for Him but for their own children-for all sins. How generous Jesus is!

O Jesus, grant that I may understand the true meaning of Thy passion and be so inflamed with love for thee that I may shed tears over my past transgressions.

REFLECTION... It is well said that the heaviest crosses which any of us carry are the crosses of our own making. Yes, life in action requires the proper weighing of the pros and cons in a try to solve a problem.

In man's daily activities, he should take the necessary precaution to scrutinize through self-inquiry the statements of others, of their motives.

In so doing, we should also overcome any urge of envy by demonstrating love, charity and sympathy to others. This should be a good norm of conduct for " all men are born brothers." Hence, if any one suffers, all the brethren feel the same pain.

In like manner, when a finger is cut, the whole body feels the pain of the injury. Thus through thick and thin men should be united and work peaceably together. Thus man can enjoy contently and peacefully the fruits of his brain and broawn.

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).



O Mary, Mother laden with sorrows, I humbly ask of thee, through the merits of thy grief which Thou didst suffer because of the death of thy Son, our Lord and God. Who was disfigured by bruises and blood for love of me, that thou offer to God my supplications so that I may obtain the graces which I ask from Him.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee

O most sweet Jesus Nazarene, My God and Redeemer, who hast trodden the road to Calvary with the weight of the cross on thy shoulders: look down on me a sinner who is now giving praise to Thy sufferings. I also thank Thee for saving me through thy sweet acceptance of sufferings on the cross.

Forgive me my sins, O Good Jesus. I acknowledge my weaknesses and I trust that out of the boundless mercy Thou will wash with Thy blood my inumerable sins. I love Thee above all things, and I promise to be faithful to Thy commandments unto the hour of my death.

Be with me, Lord and guide my steps so that I may reach the end of this earthly journey to the kingdom of heaven. Amen

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us *
Holy Trinity one God, *
Jesus, the Eternal Wisdom, *
Jesus, sold for thirty pieces of silver, *
Jesus, prostrate on the ground in prayer, *
Jesus, strengthened by an angel, *
Jesus, in Thine agony bathed in a bloody sweat, *
Jesus, betrayed by Judas with a kiss, *
Jesus, bound by the soldiers, *
Jesus, forsaken by thy disciples, *
Jesus, brought before Annas and Caiphas, *
Jesus, struck in the face by a servant, *
Jesus, accused by false witnesses, *
Jesus, declared guilty of death, *
Jesus, spat upon, *
Jesus, blindfolded, *
Jesus, smitten on the cheek, *
Jesus, thrice denied by Peter, *
Jesus, delivered up to Pilate, *
Jesus, despised and mocked by Herod, *
Jesus, clothed in a white garment, *
rJesus, rejected for Barnabas, *
Jesus, torn with scourges, *
Jesus, bruised by our sins, *
Jesus, esteemed as a leper, *
Jesus, covered witha purple robe, *
Jesus, crowned with thorns, *
Jesus, struck with a reed upon the head, *
Jesus, demanded for crucifixion by the Jews, *
Jesus, condemned to an ignominious death, *
Jesus, given up to the will of Thine enemies, *
Jesus, loaded with the heavy weight of thr Cross, *
Jesus, led like a sheep to the slaughter, *
Jesus, stripped of Thy garments, *
Jesus, fastened with nails to the cross, *
Jesus, reviled by the malefactors, *
Jesus, promising paradise to the penitent thief, *
Jesus, commending St John to thy mother as her son, *
Jesus, declaring Thyself forsaken by Thy father, *
Jesus, obedient even to the death on the cross, *
Jesus, pierced with a lance, *
Jesus, made a propitiation for us, *
Jesus, taken down from the Cross, *
Jesus, laid in the sepulchre, *
Jesus, rising gloriously from the dead, *
Jesus, ascending into heaven, *
Jesus, our Advocate with the Father, *
Jesus, sending down on the disciples the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, *
Jesus, exalting Thy mother, above the living and the dead, *

Be merciful, spare us, O Lord,
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Lord,
From all evil, Lord Jesus, deliver us, *
From all sin, Lord jesus, deliver us, *
From anger, hatred and avery evil will, *
From war, famine & pestilence, *
From all dangers of mind and body, *
From everlasting death, *
Through Thy most pure conception, *
Through Thy miraculous nativity, *
Through Thy humble circumcision, *
Through Thy baptism and holy fasting, *
Through Thy labors and watchings, *
Through Thy cruel scourging and crowning, *
Through Thy thirst and tears and nakedness, *
Through Thy precious death on the cross, *
Through Thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension, *
Through Thy sending forth the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, *
On the day of Judgment, *
We sinners, We beseech Thee, hear us, *
That Thou wouldst spare us, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring us to true pennance, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe mercifully to pour into
our hearts the grace of the Holy Spirit, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve and increase
all societies assembled in Thy holy name, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bestow upon us true peace, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give us perseverance
in grace and in Thy holy service, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe deliver us from unclean
thoughts and temptations of the devil, and everlasting damnation, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to unite us to the company
of Thy saints, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to graciously hear us, *

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us O Lord,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us O Lord,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us,
V. We adore thee, O Christ and praise Thee.
R. Because of the Holy cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.


Almighty and eternal God, who hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son the Savior of the world and hast willed to be appeased with His blood, grant that we may so venerate this Price of our salvation, and by it might be so defended upon earth from the evils of this present life, that in heaven we may rejoice in its everlasting fruit, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

* * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * *


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9th  Day

Recommended References - Books, CD's, DVD's, Arts Works, etc....

Get Jesus of Nazareth 2 Disc DVD from iNetVideo! Shop now!

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Pilgrims and Devotees Taking Part in Annual Black Nazarene Procession,Manila, Philippines

Photographic Print by Alain Evrard. Product size approximately 18 x 24 inches. Available at Embrace your Space - your source for high quality fine art posters and prints.

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Crowds of Pilgrims and Devotees, Black Nazarene Festival, Downtown, Manila, Philippines (

Alain Evrard Crowds of Pilgrims and Devotees, Black Nazarene Festival, Downtown, Manila, Philippines - Photographic Print

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Jesus of Nazareth Depicted as the King of Glory with Symbols of the Four Evangelists at the Corners (

Product size approximately 18 x 24 inches. Available at Embrace your Space - your source for high quality fine art posters and prints.

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La vida secreta de Jesus de Nazaret/ The Secret Life of Jesus of Nazareth (

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Jesus of Nazareth: Who Is He? (

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A Study Guide for Jesus of Nazareth (<

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A Rabbi Looks at Jesus of Nazareth (

Raised in a traditional Jewish family, international television host Jonathan Bernis was taught from a young age that Jews don't--and can't!--believe in Jesus. Yet in his study of the Bible, including the Torah, he found overwhelming evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really was the Jewish Messiah.With warmth and transparency, Bernis talks about discovering Jesus in history, too, and how it was that the Jewish Yeshua became the Gentile Jesus. By presenting historic evidence that Jesus is Messiah and refuting common Jewish objections, Bernis gives Christians the knowledge and tools they need to share their Lord with their Jewish friends in a loving, effective way.

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Jesus of Nazareth with His Right Hand Raised in a Blessing Gesture (

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Mary Magdalen Repentant Prostitute Associated with Jesus of Nazareth (

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Jesus of Nazareth Jesus as the Healer (

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Charlton Heston Presents The Bible Jesus of Nazareth The Passion Double Feature DVD (

In the beginning. before there was a written language the stories in the Bible were told to people sitting around a campfire in the dark listening to the tales of what had happened and what was yet to come. Now Academy Award winning actor Charlton Heston (Ben Hur) recaptures all the passion the power the Drama and the sheer beauty those first storytellers passed on to us with his own dazzling New exploration of the greatest stories ever told. Jesus of Nazareth: tells of the amazing life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Here is the story of His humble birth in a Bethlehem manger. of the wise men bearing gifts. and of Herod s fierce futile search for the child. You ll hear of Christ s baptism in the River Jordan and of His search for the disciples. Witness Jesus temptation in the wilderness the Sermon on the Mount the healing of the blind and the overthrow of the moneychangers in the temple. The Passion: Dramatically presents the tragic and triumphant coda to the New Testament: the Passion Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. You ll be present with Jesus and His disciples at the Last Supper in Gethsemane where Judas betrays Christ with a kiss. Witness the Drama of His trial before Pilate and the crowds. the struggle of His walk with the cross. the moving power of His Crucifixion. and the joyful triumph of His Ascension. Shot on location in the Holy Land this incredible production is more than great literature come to life. It is a walk through history itself. Original Title: Charlton Heston Presents The Bible Jesus of Nazareth / The Passion (Double Feature). Actors: Charlton Heston. Director: Tony Westman. Condition: New. Format: DVD. Format Size: Fullscreen. Runtime: 124 mins. Language: English. Region code: Region 1. Discs: 1. Rating: Unrated. Genre: Documentary. Subgenre: Educational. Release Year: 2004.

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Jesus of Nazareth (DVD) (

Zeffirelli's award-winning film with an all-star cast that depicts the life of Christ from His birth through His Resur rection. This epic production is acclaimed for its thorough Biblical and historical accuracy, with six hours of superb acting, beautiful music, and outstanding cinematography. This powerful film brings you closer to Christ and will be a blessing for every home. Starring Robert Powell, Olivia Hussey, Laurence Olivier, James Mason, Anthony Quinn and many others.

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Jesus of Nazareth - Pope Benedict XVI - Large Print Paperback (

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Blood and Silk: The Hidden Love Story of Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth (

Blood and Silk: The Hidden Love Story of Mary of Magdala and Jesus of Nazareth is author Carol McKay's gift to everyone fascinated by the life of Mary of Magdala-Mary Magdalene-and her often misunderstood relationship to Jesus of Nazareth. In this beautifully crafted historical novel, the reader is guided through a time rich with art and architecture, and fraught with change and controversy. Mary's narration introduces us to first-century Judea, when the atmosphere crackled with fear, and determination of friend or foe was often difficult, if not impossible. As much as theologians paint the story about Mary and Jesus as straightforward and even simple in nature, the author reminds us that theirs was a love weighed down and complicated by the politics of the day. The story of Mary, and then Mary and Jesus, is intricate and often as perilous as the times in which they lived. Founded on historical accuracy and an eye for a well-told story, this is a novel that will fascinate and delight.

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Jesus of Nazareth Depicted as the King of Glory with Symbols of the Four Evangelists at the Corners (

Giclee Print by . Product size approximately 18 x 24 inches. Available at Embrace your Space - your source for high quality fine art posters and prints.

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Only Jesus of Nazareth Can Be the God of Israel's Righteous Servant (

Using his skills developed as a federal investigator, plus spending thousands of hours debating both Judaism's counter-missionaries and Muslims, the author creates an airtight case that only Jesus of Nazareth can be Israel's King Messiah. All the thoughts of this book were developed through the fires of debate. The heart of this book is Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 9: 6,7. Rather than just examining Isaiah 53 separately, it is examined in the context of Isaiah's Four Servant Songs. This unique approach provides the reader with overwhelming scriptural evidence that Jesus of Nazareth is the God of Israel's Righteous Servant. Isaiah 9: 6,7 is also looked at in its context: the Day of the LORD, which is yet future. These two verses are prophetic being fulfilled at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 9: 6,7 is the national confession of Israel - that the Lord Jesus is their King Messiah. This book gives the reader overwhelming evidence to both defend and proclaim the faith. It provides wonderful material for Sunday school and sermons along with being a great witnessing tool. John McTernan is a lifetime student of the Bible, especially prophecy relating to the nation of Israel and the first and second coming of the Lord Jesus. He authored the acclaimed God's Final Warning to America and the best seller As America Has Done To Israel. During numerous appearances on television, radio, and in seminars he has defended Israel in light of Biblical prophecy. In 1974, John became involved with the Pro-Life Movement and is a Pro-Life leader in central Pennsylvania. He co-founded International Cops for Christ where he serves as an ordained chaplain. John was a US Treasury agent for 26 years until retiring in1998. He holds a B.S. from Virginia Commonwealth University. He is married and the father of four children.

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A Course in Miracles Urtext Manuscripts Complete Seven Volume Combined Edition (

A Course in Miracles Urtext Manuscripts is a collection of all seven canonical volumes of the world renowned Third Testament under one cover. It represents the oldest available typed copy of the words dictated by a voice to professor, research psychologist and Scribe Helen Schucman, Ph.D. between 1965 and 1978. The voice, claimed Schucman, was Jesus. This edition predates all others currently in print. It is available in two cover styles, one plain burgundy and another with a painting The Resurrection by Pieter Lastman, made available by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, CA, USA. There is a free companion website with concordances and source material libraries. An optional 4.5 Gb/DVD containing an enhanced edition of the website, concordances, over 10,000 pages of source material, a synthesized audio reading of the 31 chapter text and several editions of the King James Bible is available in some editions. The Urtext Manuscripts include extensive discussions of the Bible, sex, possession, Freud and other topics which were edited out of other editions. There are over 2400 footnotes to references on variant ACIM readings and Bible verses. The book also includes extensive appendices with commentary on the versions and history of A Course in Miracles by the compiler of this remarkable edition, Doug Thompson. The Urtext Manuscripts are ideal for students and teachers who wish to deepen their knowledge of A Course in Miracles and its unique approach to life and the teachings of the Bible. This edition seeks not to be the final rendition of A Course in Miracles, but rather one giant leap toward the greater goal of getting the words right. In that light, the reader may expect future editions to contain updates in textual scholarship, biblical references, appendices, added indexing, DVD contents and more.

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Jesus of Nazareth Medal (

All Religious Medals are Customizable. We can change spelling, names etc, ex change quotPray for Usquot to quotPray For Mequot. Just let us know in quotspecial instructionsquotif you would like it for a charm bracelet, request a split ring instead of a bail in the quotspecial instructionsquotThe Image depicts the Lord Jesus Christ carrying the cross, while wearing the crown of thorns. The image was inspired by a Vermeer painting., 2/3 inch size of dime, Sterling Silver

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The Handmaid and the Carpenter (

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Jesus Of Nazareth: The Passion (

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Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two - Pope Benedict XVI - Hardcover (

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Life of a Galilean Shaman: Jesus of Nazareth in Anthropological-Historical Perspective (

The aim of historical Jesus research is to identify the authentic material from which the historical figure as a social type underneath the overlay is constructed. Anthropological historiography offers an alternative framework for dealing with Jesus of Nazareth as a social personage fully embedded in a first-century Mediterranean worldview and the Gospels as cultural artefacts related to this figure. This cross-cultural model represents a religious pattern that refers to a family of features for describing those religious entrepreneurs who, based on regular Altered State of Consciousness experiences, perform a specific set of social functions in their communities.

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Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives (

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The Pope and Jesus of Nazareth: Christ, Scripture and the Church (

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Taboo and Transgression: Jesus of Nazareth (

Using the analytical tools of cultural anthropology, Ida Magli delves into the familiar material of the New Testament the same way as she would any other historical text, and carefully separates the myth and mysticism from the narrative accounts, to discern what is most likely to be historical fact, and what may instead have been adjusted so as no to clash with the customs and worldview of the authors of the Gospels. What emerges is a new understanding of just how far and drastically Jesus of Nazareth challenged the religious views of his time, defying traditions and repeatedly risking his ministry by breaking some of the most severe taboos. Among the many transgressions that are made clear in Ida Magli's analysis is Jesus' denial of the preeminence of blood-ties and family as the reason and foundation of love, when at the house of Lazarus he elects those sitting around him as his true family (Matthew: 12: 46); and again when he invites a young man to defy the ancient Jewish observance of mourning his dead father, and follow him instead (Matthew 8: 22). As the author reveals, the very principles of Jesus' teachings advocate a universal, indiscriminate love of one's fellow man, and not merely love and respect for kith and kin. By this standard, all people are equal to each other in the eyes of God. Each person is a vessel for communicating directly with God, and there is no further need for priestly hierarchies, go-betweens, or mediation in the me/thee equation with God himself. This tidal shift in perspective automatically entailed the empowerment of women and their emancipation from their subservient role in society, kindling their self-awareness and comprehension of their equal status.To endorse her point, Magli chooses the extraordinary account of the penitent woman entering the house of a Pharisee where Jesus was eating (Luke 7: 44), and washing his feet, to the astonishment and incomprehension of all around him. The act was so bold and incomprehensible that in all likelihood it was retold with great precision, because the evangelists failed to understand its true meaning, nor could they grasp Jesus' intentions as he blessed the adoring woman and let her go. Here as in other instances, Magli demonstrates that wherever in the Gospels the deeds and words of Jesus veer drastically from what the evangelists were accustomed to, their accounts are more credible and pertinent to Jesus' fundamental message of universal love, as they did not think of finding justifications or fabricating the events related. Conversely, where the accounts evidently comply with the tradition and lore of the time, these are passages where the evangelists adjusted the text to fit in with their own spiritual worldview and religious background. For anyone who believes they knew the Gospels thoroughly already, or those who are interested in a new way of looking at these familiar texts, Ida Magli's fascinating study will bring many rewards, and stimulate further inquiry into

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Jesus of Nazareth Lord and Christ: Essays on the Historical Jesus and New Testament Christology (

The problem of the historical Jesus remains one of the most important themes in New Testament scholarship. Closely related to this problem is the question, How far can the impact made by the earthly Jesus and his own self-understanding sustain the weight of the Christological construction put upon them by the early church? The thirty outstanding essays in this volume offer a fresh assessment of a wide range of New Testament data and methods pertinent to our understanding of Jesus and his significance both in his time and ours.

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Jesus of Nazareth - Pope Benedict XVI - Audio Compact Disc - Unabridged<

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Vespasian a Roman Emperor Who Stated There Was No Such Person Among the Jews as Jesus of Nazareth - J. M. Roberts - Paperback (

by J. M. Roberts in Paperback . Find this product in Religion > Christian Theology - Christology

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Jesus of Nazareth (Two-Disc Set)

Beginning before the Nativity and extending through the Crucifixion and Resurrection Jesus Of Nazareth brings to life all the majesty and sweeping drama of the life of Jesus (portrayed here by Rob...

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Jesus of Nazareth in New Testament Preaching (

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Jesus of Nazareth Print 8x10 (

This beautiful artistic rendition of the face of our Lord Jesus is an unframed print on a thick stock with a matte finish. This beautiful print depicts exceptional color and detail.

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